The political leader, the founding father, the prime minister, the minister mentor. A leader, some say non-populist, some even say, notorious. A lawyer, proficient in languages.
But fundamentally, a man. A man with blood, tears and sweat. A man, with his vulnerabilities; A boy, named Harry. A man with his strength and iron will. A man with a family, A man with three children, and A man with his dignity and pride.
So give the man and his family some space. And stop, when too much, is just too much.
Toe the line
Toe the line – he is not only a public figure. Toe the line, respect him and his family as a man. Toe the line between being concerned and intrusive. Intrusive are some sites who registers each and every of his family’s moves to the hospital and create a spectacle out of it. Toe the line between being concerned; and being an intruder, a predator stalker – one in need to be in control, in need of power. Don’t let this incessant need to show you are informed rule over your humanity. Knowledge does not necessarily triumph humanity. Respect the man’s privacy.
When perpetrators forget that many children of the state are worried about this man. Too much is when perpetrators capitalized on the concern of the citizens. Too much is when these faceless perpetrators doctor a statement from the PMO’s site, the same statement which brought grief to the man’s family when Mrs Lee passed on almost five years ago. Too much is when they hide behind these computer screens, to bring news to sensationalize, to shock. Too much, is when they hurt these children of the state who are worried about this man.
Forgetting your humanity
Too much, is when you curse this man, when you utter foul words to a man. When you rid yourself of your humanity, of your decency. When you forget that you do not wish for others to wish such harm on you, yourself, your father, your mother, or any living being. Too much, is when you forget words hurt.
Stop, when too much, is just too much.
Remember to stop those fingers on your keyboard.
Remember to think, and feel. smile emoticon