The COP21
was a massive United Nations conference which involved delegates of 195 nations:
world leaders and experts, and culminated after one year of negotiations. The Paris Agreement was sealed on 12 Dec.
Exploring the COP21 and its “positive
A few basic facts of COP21 –
promise they are easily digestible, and you wouldn’t be farting afterwards ;)
1. COP21 refers to the 21st Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
2. World has already warmed by almost 1° C (the average warming over pre-Industrial Revolution levels)
3. Limit global warming by setting a temperature cap of 2°C, or better yet, an aim of 1.5°C. Failing which, there will be catastrophic climate change - countries like Bangkok and island states may sink faster or be engulfed. Seas will rise, droughts, floods and storms will worsen.
4. Slashing or eliminating the use of renewable energy (coal, oil, gas) and switching to cleaner sources (solar and wind, and improving energy efficiency)
5. Limit amount of greenhouses gases emitted by human activity to the same level that trees, soils and oceans can absorb naturally, beginning at some point between 2050 and 2100. [Did you know that fires in SE Asia have released more than a gigatonne of carbon dioxide this year. Gigatonne?!?!?]
6. The developed world will provide $100 billion a year to poorer nations to help the latter switch from fossil fuels to greener sources of energy and adapt to the effects of climate change
7. For the first time, all countries will be required to report on “national inventories of emissions by source”
Source: AFP
We’ll be sharing what you can do, as an individual to help protect
Mother Earth, so do look out for it. We can’t evoke a huge change like the
governments, to implement such large-scale efforts. But do you realise that
without our individual efforts, without the efforts of considerate and
Earth-friendly business owners, without the enthusiasm of the school children,
the governments can’t do it themselves too?
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