Sunday, 12 July 2015

Pains Of Life

I’ve always thought, should everyone actually know how the banking and finance industries work, maybe they would all revolt.

Also, people would all be penny-pinchers, with financial literacy taking all spontaneity and fun out of life.  Just maybe, a little ignorance is bliss. Could we all just live with guiding principles of prudence, and spending within one’s means? I do just that and I don’t see myself going bust anytime soon!  Else, I can look forward to contributing to HosayBo full-time already ;)

Talking to my accounting professor (I took just one accounting module before it bored the sh*t out of me), this HSB writer came up with a list of why financial procedures are sometimes a pain. How do you feel? Are you an accounting guru, do you believe in financial processes, or do you spend out of your pocket? 

We end up planning according to finances. We aren’t planning finances according to our great big ideas.

Should we have a brilliant idea, it might be dampened by financial procedures and hemmed in by budget allocation.

With our obsession with technology, we probably only train our “push-button finger”

As one man said it, “one machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man” ~ Elbert Hubbard. Technology is invented by great men. Yet, financial systems are bounded by technology, which can fail us. Technology can delay payment and prevent people from making urgent payments.

People need money to feed their families you know? Financial processes, and its friend technology sometimes only let us train our “push-button finger”. We forget our humanity to let people bring the bread home.

Sh*t is already at the doorstep, lah!

Sometimes, we really need our goods and services urgently. If your office is plagued by a rat problem, imagine the holes made in your office furniture by the time you get your finances and purchases approved.  If you work in a hospital, and the haze hits Singapore suddenly, people would have already snatched up all the air purifiers and masks, still leave one for you meh?

Also, financial processes need signatories. By the time signatories come back to office, you are already way too desperate, like below: 

Because I just like to work with you lah!

Imagine if you know a caterer who sells cheap and good food. Imagine if the caterer’s business is just by your office or school.  But because my teacher ask me to get many many quotes, I can’t eat my favourite mee siam already lah! *wails. Worse still, if my school is in Pulau Ubin and no other caterers want to send over the food!

Because financial processes means increased data entry errors

Data inconsistency and lack of data transparency might cause data entry errors. My bane. Need I say more?

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